2ND EDITION 25/26 MARCH 2025

Call for Proposals

The following list of topics is not exhaustive and authors may propose other subjects in keeping within the thematic framework.

Quantum-Safe Networks
  • Today’s solutions
  • Coexistence of PKI-Hybrid, PKI-PQC and Physic’s based approaches (QKD, PSK, PSL, …)
  • Crypto-Agility and Crypto-Resiliency
  • Software architectures
QKD Innovations
  • Are we there yet?
  • Real-world deployment and architectures of QKD
  • Coexistence of PQC, QKD, and PLS
  • Testbeds
Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC)
  • Today’s solutions
  • Current PQC implementations (OpenSSH, TLS adoption of Kyber)
  • Standardization landscape (NIST, IETF)
  • PQC beyond transport security (SSH, Hardware & Software Integrity, web browsers)
Hybrid Key Exchange methods for TLS

Evolution of Photonic Layer Security

Quantum Agility – where are we in the adoption cycle?

Y2Q: From legacy encryption to Quantum-Ready networks – how do we efficiently migrate?

Control planes for Quantum Communication Networks

Use-cases (Real-world deployment and architectures of QSN & Testbeds of QSN)
  • BFSI
  • Defense
  • Mission critical infrastructures
  • CSP

Abstracts must not exceed one page.

They may be submitted by email at: remi.scavenius@wanadoo.fr and contact@uppersideconferences.com


Deadline for turning in abstracts: October 30, 2024