Gyan Mishra, IT Technologist & Innovations Specialist, Verizon

Gyan Mishra is Lead Core & DC architect, R&D on NG Core & DC innovations & technological advancements for Verizon.

IT Technologist & Innovations specialist with over three decades of experience in Business Development in Network Engineering & Design with a focus on R&D innovations in protocol design & solutions patents for Global Enterprise & Service Provider networks that will transform the marketplace.

Over three decades of business development, business analysis, trending, forecasting of Next Generation emerging technologies and industry direction, planning, procurement, budgeting, accounting and financial strategies, ROI, Business Modeling & EBITA.

Leader and innovator in emerging network engineering technologies such as Segment Routing, SR-MPLS, SRv6 and 5G development and integration of IETF Network Slicing architecture into the mobile core using Segment Routing and Flex Algo to provide 3GPP UPF Cloud RAN network slicing capabilities.

Active Member of the 52 IETF Working Groups, 70 Active drafts, 3 patent filed, 30 patents in progress, 74 IETF presentations given to a worldwide audience of developers.