Time to think of the next steps
G.fast Summit 2017: 4th Edition
While the first generation G.fast systems become more and more mature and move towards field deployments, it is time to think of the next steps in G.fast development.Indeed, G.fast deployments are ramping up with many operators moving from the initial exploratory phase to one in which real operational challenges are addressed. With work on three G.fast amendments ongoing in the ITU and emerging reverse power standards from ETSI and the Broadband Forum (BBF), there are plenty of options coming down the pipe. Ultimately these standards will equate to options for operators to deploy more G.fast, faster to deliver 1Gbps services without compromise.
The G.fast Summit has followed this technology since its begining and will provide, through its fourth edition an overview of the G.fast market, in terms of deployments, experimentations, standardization process and equipment providers offering.
As is the case every year, the most renowned G.fast experts will discuss and debate the hottest topics during the Summit, to be held in Paris CDG, from 9 to 11 May, 2017.
The agenda: Deployment Reports, Remaining Challenges,
up to Terabit DSL
The Reality:
Learn from current most advanced European and North American deployments. A large session is dedicated to BT’s Openreach progress which aim is to take the UK from being a superfast to an ultrafast nation. Other reports come from Swisscom, Proximus, Orange Poland and North American cable operators.Ovum and Point Topic highlight where is G.fast appearing and what are the challenges and mixes for vendors and customers.
The Challenges:
Hear from renowned experts what’s going on with long range and ports number capacity. What are the FTTdp operational experiences. What about DTA data models. And how to deploy home networks fast enough for G.fast.The Future:
Is a Terabit DSL feasible on one or a few twisted pairs over reasonable distances? Conventional approach would doubt such feasibility. However, the advent of surprising wireless speeds and distances with “Massive MIMO” approaches also has transcended conventional wireless speed bounds.G.fast Summit 2016: A successful Edition
Year after year, the Summit has followed the development of one of the most promising broadband access technologies and attendance has grown up by 15%.Participants, came in the majority from Western Europe followed by USA/Canada and ME then Asia and EE.
We have had a mix of Directors, VP, Head of/Managers, Engineers, Architects coming from Operators, ISP and Integrators, Enterprise, Equipment Vendors, Software Solution Providers.
The 2016 Edition, has confirmed that G.fast has now entered the deployment phase, in particular thanks to BT’s staff presentation during the opening of the Conference. Peter Bell, Director of Network Portfolio and Trevor Linney, Head of Access Network Research indeed described in depth their technical developments and learnings from trials. They demonstrated that time has come now to deploy G.fast.
Attendees participated in this technical event, under the governance of Dave Burstein, Editor of G.FAST NEWS and Hubert Mariotte, xDSL Technology Expert at Orange.
During the 3 days Summit, we have heard about the latest news in this market. Sessions addressed the most crucial operational challenges, latest test Labs Reports, G.fast architecture and steps forward. The Conference ended with more open subjects like WiFi Management and Hybrid Access. Using their G.fast Cable Farm Automation Switch, Noise Generator and Analyzer, Telebyte have showed G.fast modem data rates at various loop lengths.
The Scientific Committee

Thomas Starr

Frank Van Der Putten

Hubert Mariotte

Bernard Dugerdil

Michael Timmers

Dave Burstein

Rob van den Brink

Rami Verbin

Dong Wei

Rudi Frenzel

Debu Pal

Uwe Schmidtke